List of Tables

Table 1: Number of publications cited in the Scopus database between 2001 and 2015 using the key phrases 'Holocene Palaeoecology', 'Geoarchaeology' and 'Environmental Archaeology' within the title, abstract or key words. Bold denotes RAE/REF submission deadlines

Table 2: The type of publications picked up by Scopus with respect to key phrases. % figures are provided for the main categories for ease of comparison

Table 3: Top five journals that form vehicles for publication with respect to the three key phrases searched in Scopus (numbers published in respective journal shown in brackets). Impact Factors (IF) were collected from journal homepages on 6 September 2016

Table 4: Top institutions associated with key phrases searched in Scopus


Cite this as: Howard, A.J. 2019 Environmental Archaeology, Progress and Challenges, Internet Archaeology 53.

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