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Managing the Managers: State control over the monuments in Estonia

Ulla Kadakas and Anu Lillak

Cite this as: Kadakas, U. and Lillak, A. 2020 Managing the Managers: State control over the monuments in Estonia, Internet Archaeology 54.


The article introduces the management system of archaeological monuments of Estonia. It focuses on the state of archaeological heritage and land usage of listed monuments. The legal background is explained while discussing the need to enhance visitor experience on archaeological sites. A few successful and some unfavourable examples are given to show the struggle to find a balance between development, exposition and preservation.

Vastseliina 'Pilgrim house' and Episcopal Castle ruins
Vastseliina 'Pilgrim house' and Episcopal Castle ruins. Image: Ulla Kadakas

Corresponding author: Ulla Kadakas
National Heritage Board (Muinsuskaitseamet), Estonia

Co-author: Anu Lillak
National Heritage Board (Muinsuskaitseamet), Estonia

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Figure 1: Vastseliina 'Pilgrim house' and Episcopal Castle ruins. Image: Ulla Kadakas

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Venice Charter 1964

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