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Take Care of Me! Protection, conservation and presentation of archaeological sites to the public in the Autonomous Province of Trento, northern Italy

Franco Nicolis

Cite this as: Nicolis, F. 2020 Take Care of Me! Protection, conservation and presentation of archaeological sites to the public in the Autonomous Province of Trento, northern Italy, Internet Archaeology 54.


The Archaeological Heritage Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento carries out institutional activities for the research, protection, conservation and promotion of archaeological heritage in the Trentino region. Its range of activities includes a conservation laboratory, an archaeological library, an education department, two museums and several archaeological sites, which are briefly outlined in this article. A recent project to research, preserve and present to the public a unique World War I site located high in the Italian Alps, the Punta Linke Project, is described here. The Archaeological Heritage Office is also strongly committed to developing initiatives and activities that promote public engagement with the provincial archaeological heritage. One recent project aimed at people in the community with special needs is described here. This is the T-essere memori or Weaving Memories Project, which has been carried out in several nursing homes in the Trentino region with groups of Alzheimer's patients, their families and caregivers.

Protruding wooden pils from a lake
Fiavé pile-dwelling archaeological site

Corresponding author: Franco Nicolis
Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio beni archeologici

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Figure 1: Tridentum, SASS archaeological site, Trento. Image: L. Moser

Figure 2: Museo Retico. Image: O. Michelon

Figure 3: Fiavé pile-dwelling archaeological site

Figure 4: Archaeometallurgy at Acqua Fredda archaeological site. Image: L. Moser

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