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The Dutch Triple Heritage Helix. A working model for the protection of the landscape

Saskia van Dockum and Leonard de Wit

Cite this as: van Dockum, S. and de Wit, L. 2020 The Dutch Triple Heritage Helix. A working model for the protection of the landscape, Internet Archaeology 54.


In the Netherlands the state does not take direct responsibility for the care of archaeological monuments. Instead, the emphasis is on supporting private owners to look after monuments in their care. This article focuses on the range of non-governmental trust organisations that have been established to care for built heritage in the Netherlands. One such organisation is the Utrechts Landschap Foundation, established in 1927, which has recently championed what can be termed a 'triple heritage helix' to describe the role played by the foundation, public government and civil society. In this triple heritage helix model, all three partners have a role, but Utrechts Landschap is the central, lead partner that provides the long-term vision, skills and administration to ensure that the heritage sites under the trust's care are managed and protected effectively.

A graphic of the triple heritage helix
The triple heritage helix

Corresponding author: Saskia van Dockum
Utrechts Landschap

Leonard de Wit
Head of Advisory Department, Cultural Heritage Agency, The Netherlands

Full text

Figure 1: The triple heritage helix

Figure 2: Hardened aircraft shelter on the former airbase Soesterberg

Figure 3: The funding of Utrechts Landschap in 2017

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