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An Approach to the Ethics of Archaeogaming

Shawn Graham

Cite this as: Graham, S. 2020 An Approach to the Ethics of Archaeogaming, Internet Archaeology 55.


Virtual worlds are human worlds thus ethical places/spaces. Through an authethnography of play, I try to surface and contextualize some of what I see as the ethical issues that archaeogaming presents, which I frame as provocations for further discussion. What defines 'archaeogaming' is our identity as archaeologists, and so the ethics of archaeogaming must be the ethics of archaeology; ethics are not integral to a game but emerge at the intersection of play and design.

An in-game view of the buried temple in the first village encountered in the world generated in Minecraft 1.6.4 using the 'Double Village' seed in 'creative mode'.
  • Google Scholar
  • Keywords: archaeogaming, ethics, Minecraft, play, digital public archaeology
  • Accepted: 5 May 2020. Published: 18 May 2020
  • Funding: Published with the support of Carleton University's Curie Fund

Corresponding author: Shawn GrahamORCID logo
Carleton University

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Video 1: An in-game view of the buried temple in the first village encountered in the world generated in Minecraft 1.6.4 using the 'Double Village' seed in 'creative mode'. In this view, excavation has commenced in a section against the temple tower wall.

Video 2: The 'Double Village' seed generates a slightly different world in 'survival mode', spacing the village and the temple slightly further apart. The temple is easier to access, but still contains monsters and traps.

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