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Engagement, Sustainability and Diversity: examining recent heritage policy in Norway

Mark Oldham

Cite this as: Oldham, M. 2021 Engagement, Sustainability and Diversity: examining recent heritage policy in Norway, Internet Archaeology 56.


Children wrapped up from cold weather excavating in a wooden trough supervised by an archaeologist wearing blue helmet and hi-vis jacket
Children excavate archaeological remains (Photo: NIKU)

This article discusses recent Norwegian heritage policy and examines the three key terms of the most recent white paper – participation, sustainability and diversity – in light of the Norwegian government's key societal challenge of democratisation.

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Figure 1: Children explore finds and sites using Augmented Reality technology (Photo: NIKU)

Figure 2: Schoolchildren are introduced to Medieval Oslo (Photo: NIKU)

Figure 3: Children excavate archaeological remains (Photo: NIKU)

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