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Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households 1300-1600. Data PaperOpen Data

Chris Briggs, Alice Forward, and Ben Jervis

Referee statement by Chris Dyer

Cite this as: Briggs, C., Forward, A. and Jervis, B. 2021 Living standards and material culture in English Rural households 1300-1600. Data Paper, Internet Archaeology 56.


Parchment rolls in a box with one more on a table along with a grey coloured storage pouch and cataloguing label
A box of Particulars of Account from Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire in the reign of Henry VI, with one of the original medieval storage pouches, bottom left. Image credit: Matt Tompkins.

The data in the related digital archive was collected to examine the archaeological and historical evidence for material culture in English medieval rural households, with the aim of gaining a fuller picture than what might be attainable by looking only at objects or documents in isolation. The digital archive provides a starting point for anyone wishing to research aspects of medieval rural settlement.

Chris Briggs
Faculty of History, University of Cambridge

Alice ForwardORCID logo
Allen Archaeology

Corresponding author: Ben JervisORCID logo
Cardiff University

Full text

Campbell, B. 2000 English Seigniorial Agriculture 1250-1450, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dyer, A. 2000 'Ranking list of English medieval towns' in D. Palliser (ed) The Cambridge Urban History of Britain Volume I 600-1540, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 747–770.

Forward, A., Jervis, B., Briggs, C., Tompkins, M. and Gromelski, T. 2021 Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households 1300-1600: Digital Archive [data-set], York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor].

Jervis, B., Briggs, C. and Tompkins, M. 2015 'Exploring text and objects: escheators' inventories and material culture in medieval English rural households', Medieval Archaeology 59, 168-92.

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