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Making the Case for the Public Benefits of Development-led Archaeology

Barney Sloane

Cite this as: Sloane, B. 2021 Making the Case for the Public Benefits of Development-led Archaeology, Internet Archaeology 57.


Round table discussions at the 15th EAC symposium in Amersfoot, 2014
Round table discussions at the 15th EAC symposium in Amersfoot, 2014

This paper provides an update on progress of the EAC Working Group for public benefit from development led archaeology, giving the background to the concept as well as outlining why the EAC is developing guidance for establishing public benefit. Understanding that there are many stakeholders all of whom have their own values and priorities will be key. An online resource with case studies showcasing public benefit is under production. This article is an adaptation of Sloane (2020).

Corresponding author: Barney SloaneORCID logo
Historic England

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Figure 1: Round table discussions at the 15th EAC symposium in Amersfoot, 2014

Figure 2: Barney Sloane (EAC President) and Sadie Watson (Scientific Convenor at the 21st EAC symposium in Prague, 2020

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