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Shared Archaeological Heritage: the European Archaeology Days

Pascal Ratier

Cite this as: Ratier, P. 2021 Shared Archaeological Heritage: the European Archaeology Days, Internet Archaeology 57.


Poster advertising European Archaeology Days 2020. Image: INRAP
Poster advertising European Archaeology Days 2020. Image: INRAP

A discipline where several scientific fields meet, archaeology studies the material traces of civilisations, from prehistory to the contemporary era. By enriching our knowledge of the societies that came before us, it contributes to a better understanding of today's world and helps sharpen citizens' critical outlook. When it comes to protection, conservation, awareness-raising and education, archaeological heritage is a significant societal opportunity for Europe. At a time marked by concerns over identity and community, archaeology is a source of openness and tolerance. The European Archaeology Days can therefore help shape a common identity, while preserving the cultural diversity that characterises a Europe of multiplicity. Developing this initiative could encourage open access to culture for all and, among future generations, foster acceptance of the 'Other' in all their differences. In this context, it feels important to give the event a European dimension.

Corresponding author: Pascal Ratier
National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP)

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Figure 1: The poster for the European Archaeology Days 2020 ©Inrap

Figure 2: A workshop for schoolchildren in Bègles (France) ©Auregane Binard, Inrap

Figure 3: Fresco and ceramics on the Barberini Vineyard ©Colosseum Archaeological Park (Italy)

Figure 4: Visit of the archaeological repository of the Museum of Nyon, (Switzerland) ©Museum of Nyon

Figure 5: Reconstruction of a Greek camp at the Archaeology Village of Marseille, (France) ©Remi Benali, Inrap

Figure 6: Open day for an excavation site in Narbonne, (France) ©Myr Muratet, Inrap

Figure 7: Open day for of the Underwater Archaeology Centre of Cadiz, (Spain) ©Andalusian Regional Government

Figure 8: Excavation simulation workshop at the National Museum of Lithuania ©National Museum of Lithuania

Figure 9: Excavation simulation workshop at the Zemeraj Nature Adventure Park (Czech Republic) ©Zemeraj Nature Adventure Park

Council of Europe 1992 European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Revised), Valletta, 16 January 1992. Council of Europe Treaty Series 143.

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