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Archiving of Archaeological Digital Datasets in Slovenia: historic context and current practice

Benjamin Štular

Cite this as: Štular, B. 2021 Archiving of Archaeological Digital Datasets in Slovenia: historic context and current practice, Internet Archaeology 58.


This article presents the archiving of archaeological digital datasets in Slovenia in its historic context. The datasets discussed have been separated into three categories: non-reproducible datasets, reproducible datasets, and registries. Several reproducible datasets created by ZRC SAZU have been freely available online since the early 2000s, but the number of users is small and those benefiting often do not adhere to clearly stated copyright limitations. There is a large discrepancy between the stated interest and the actual usage of reproducible, let alone non-reproducible, online datasets disseminated as open access. In addition, adherence to fair use cannot be expected unless enforced. The key outcome of this study is that it has exposed a total absence of systemic archiving practice for non-reproducible digital datasets. The article concludes with recommendations and next steps that could be taken to address these issues in future. First and foremost, a systemic approach to digital archiving is urgently needed if the irreversible damage to the decades worth of born-digital non-reproducible digital data is to be averted.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, digital data, archiving, Slovenia
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Benjamin ŠtularORCID logo
ZRC SAZU (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)

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