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Digital Archaeological Archiving in Sweden: the Swedish National Data Service perspective

Ulf Jakobsson

Cite this as: Jakobsson, U. 2021 Digital Archaeological Archiving in Sweden: the Swedish National Data Service perspective, Internet Archaeology 58.


In the past, data from archaeological investigations, as well as research projects led by universities have not been archived or made publicly accessible. Synthetic publications such as papers, reports and articles have been available, but not the underlying data files containing the original data to be reused or combined with new/other datasets for further research.

Archaeological investigations are regulated within Sweden, but it has only recently been possible for that data to be preserved and disseminated in a more streamlined way. The mandatory requirement to archive research data at universities is often not enforced, resulting in a loss of data that is very problematic. This is now slowly changing owing to requirements from both governmental bodies and funding agencies, and therefore the future of archaeological data in Sweden looks a bit brighter.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, legislation, cultural heritage, National Heritage Board, County Administrative Board, data preservation, GIS, research data, archaeological investigations, Sweden
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Corresponding author: Ulf JakobssonORCID logo
Swedish National Data Service

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Table 1: Number of datasets directly downloaded and 'tagged' with Archaeology and/or History 2015-2020

Historic Environment Act [Last accessed: 8 January 2021].

Kriterier för FAIR forskningsdata, [Last accessed: 12 January 2021].

Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act, English translation of the brochure 'Offentlighetsprincipen och sekretess - kortfattat om lagstiftningen', which briefly describes the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (SFS 2009:400). [Last accessed: 12 January 2021].

Proposal for national guidelines for Open Access to scientific information. [Last accessed: 12 January 2021].

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