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Archaeological Digital Archiving in Turkey

Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez, Piraye Hacıgüzeller and Tuna Kalayci

Cite this as: Atalan Çayırezmez, N., Hacigüzeller, P. and Kalayci, T. 2021 Archaeological Digital Archiving in Turkey, Internet Archaeology 58.


This article provides a brief overview of archaeological digital archiving in Turkey. It introduces the legal framework and the stakeholders involved in conducting archaeological excavations and surveys. The current situation in archiving born-digital and digitised documentation produced during archaeological fieldwork is then introduced. Existing repositories serving as hubs for archaeological and heritage archiving are listed and briefly discussed. Analysis of online publishing practices for archaeological digital resources points to an eclectic landscape that only minimally complies with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. We conclude that guidelines for best practice in metadata and semantic technologies, locally applicable standards (especially controlled vocabularies), technical know-how, and a larger acceptance of open data and scholarship remain much-needed assets for archaeological digital archiving in Turkey. We also conclude that the future promises progress towards more interoperable archaeological digital archives thanks to international training, network and knowledge transfer opportunities (e.g. SEADDA Project).

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  • Keywords: archaeology, digital archiving, archaeological excavation, survey data, digital archaeology, open access, Turkey
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Nurdan Atalan ÇayırezmezORCID logo
British Institute at Ankara

Piraye HacıgüzellerORCID logo
University of Antwerp

Tuna KalayciORCID logo
Leiden University

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Table 1: List of archaeological excavations in Turkey carried out by Turkish and foreign teams with corresponding website information

Table 2: Website counts for archaeological excavations in Turkey carried out by Turkish and foreign teams

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