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Digital Archaeological Data in the Wild West: the challenge of practising responsible digital data archiving and access in the United States

Christopher Nicholson, Rachel Fernandez and Jessica Irwin

Cite this as: Nicholson, C., Fernandez, R. and Irwin, J. 2021 Digital Archaeological Data in the Wild West: the challenge of practising responsible digital data archiving and access in the United States, Internet Archaeology 58.


Archaeology in the United States is conducted by a number of different sorts of entities under a variety of legal mandates that lack uniform standards for data archiving. The difficulty of accessing data from projects in which one was not directly involved indicates an apparent reluctance to archive raw data and supplemental information with digital repositories to be reused in the future. There is hope that additional legislation, guidelines from professional organisations, and educational efforts will change these practices.

Corresponding author: Christopher NicholsonORCID logo
Center for Digital Antiquity, Arizona State University

Rachel Fernandez
Center for Digital Antiquity, Arizona State University

Jessica Irwin
Center for Digital Antiquity, Arizona State University

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Figure 1c: The number of datasets curated from 2014 to 2020

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