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Digital Archiving and Data Stewardship in French Archaeology

Amala Marx, Kai Salas Rossenbach and Emmanuelle Bryas

Cite this as: Marx, A., Salas Rossenbach, K and Bryas, E. 2021 Digital Archiving and Data Stewardship in French Archaeology , Internet Archaeology 58.


In France, the archaeological sector has undergone a major shift in the last 10 years in terms of digital data creation and management. The digital transformation of the profession and its practices is still in progress and is not uniform. If general policies and laws are now clearly adopted at a national level, then institutional or individual situations are more complex. We can clearly separate the development-led and academic sectors, with reference to the volume of data produced and the challenges faced. A critical overview of the barriers highlights the fact that, beyond technical issues, data management (specifically sharing) is a human challenge in terms of scientific priority and in the adoption of new practices. This article gives an overview of the main questions and issues with reference to major nationwide initiatives.

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  • Keywords: France, preventive archaeology, data management, digital archiving, Inrap
  • Accepted: 9 November 2021. Published: 16 December 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
  • PDF download (main article text only)

Corresponding author: Amala MarxORCID logo

Kai Salas Rossenbach

Emmanuelle Bryas

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Loi № 2001-44 du 17 janvier 2001 relative à l'archéologie préventive (J.O. 18 janvier 2001). [Last accessed: 29 October 2021].

Loi № 2003-707 du 1er aout 2003 modifiant la loi № 2001-44 du 17 janvier 2001 relative à l'archéologie préventive (J.O. 2 août 2003). [Last accessed: 29 October 2021].

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