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The Hungarian Archaeology Database

Attila Kreiter

Cite this as: Kreiter, A. 2021 The Hungarian Archaeology Database , Internet Archaeology 58.


In Hungary, certain site documents, such as the Preliminary Archaeological Documentation (PAD), 30-day report and 1-year report, have to be submitted to centralised institutions. The content and format of these documents are regulated, facilitating their digital archiving and accessibility. However, further documents (inventories, databases, scientific assessments, interdisciplinary analysis, photos, drawings, etc.), mainly created by the museum that carried out the excavation, may not end up in the designated repositories. Instead, these documents are stored in the local museums that carried out the excavations and/or where the finds are kept.

It is a major problem that there is no officially-appointed, centralised hard copy and/or digital repository in Hungary where all site documents are stored and made accessible. In this respect, there are millions of files stored in museums all over the country that are neither used nor reused and are not accessible, and without the archaeological community, or even central institutions, being aware of them. Another problem is that digital archiving of archaeological documents is not regulated either on a national or local level.

The only repository that includes both metadata and documents in Hungary is the Archaeology Database of the National Museum. This database provides a solution for depositing digital documents, and it could serve as a national repository where documents can be stored and accessed online in one place (through access levels). However, submitting digital documents to the archaeology database is unregulated and it is completely voluntary. The archaeology database has the potential to assist archiving on a national level should it become compulsory to submit documents to it, as its structure was designed in accordance with the protocols and it hosts documents.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, archive, digital repository, data, database, Hungary
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Attila KreiterORCID logo
Laboratory for Applied Research, Hungarian National Museum

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