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The Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Netherhall Road, Maryport

Magnus Kirby and Jamie Walker with contributions by Diane Alldritt, Sue Anderson, Ann Clarke, David Griffiths, Christina Hills, Fraser Hunter, Jennifer Thoms, Kay Hartley and Felicity Wild

Cite this as: Kirby, M. and Walker, J. (with contributions by D. Alldritt, S. Anderson, A. Clarke, D. Griffiths, C. Hills, F. Hunter, J. Thoms, K. Hartley and F. Wild) 2023 The Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Netherhall Road, Maryport, Internet Archaeology 61.


Aerial view of the site
Aerial view of the site

A programme of archaeological trial trenching and excavation was undertaken by CFA Archaeology Ltd between Maryport (Alavna) Roman Fort and Netherhall Road on the north-eastern outskirts of Maryport from 2010 to 2016. The work confirmed the presence of a large sub-square ditched enclosure with two phases of construction, which is interpreted as a Romano-British rural farm site. It contained a variety of pottery deposited in its ditches, dating from the 1st to the 4th century CE.

A linear feature, thought to be the line of a Roman road, did not produce definitive evidence of being a Roman road, but a Roman-period cremation cemetery was uncovered adjacent to it. One of the burials excavated held two pottery vessels of mid-3rd-century CE or slightly later date, one of which contained the cremated remains of an adult female along with other finds, while a second burial contained the cremated remains of a young child within a decorated Rhenish beaker.

Corresponding contact: Kathleen O'DonnellORCID logo
CFA Archaeology Ltd

Magnus KirbyORCID logo
CFA Archaeology Ltd

Jamie WalkerORCID logo
CFA Archaeology Ltd

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Figure 1: Location map and site plan

Figure 2: Aerial photograph of site looking south-west

Figure 3: Plan of cremation cemetery

Figure 4: Cremation burial 064/065 pre-excavation

Figure 5: Cremation burial 064/065 post-excavation

Figure 6: Plan of parallel track and ditch 004/006

Figure 7: Sections across parallel track and ditch 004/006

Figure 8: Section across ditch 006/011

Figure 9: Section across ditch 006/011

Figure 10: Plan of Enclosure 200

Figure 11: Aerial photograph of Enclosure 200

Figure 12: Sections across Enclosure 200 and Ditch 957

Figure 13: Slot 13 across Enclosure 200

Figure 14: Slot 22 across Enclosure 200

Figure 15: Slot 25 across Enclosure 200

Figure 16: Slot 28 across Enclosure 200

Figure 17: Relationship between Enclosure 200 and Ditch 957 in slot 28

Figure 18: Cobbled surface 956 within Enclosure 200

Figure 19: Cremation vessels FV6 and FV7

Figure 20: Samian ware – top centre: U/S, bottom left: 315, bottom right: 205

Figure 21: Illustrated selection of Roman pottery

Figure 22: Mortaria stamp on FV17, 106

Figure 23: Shale bangle 231

Figure 24: Glass 336

Figure 25: Copper alloy 064/065

Figure 26: Iron nails, hobnails, and bow brooch 064/065

Figure 27: Reworked rotary quern WS15, 232

Table 1: Quantification of main ware types in whole assemblage

Table 2: Percentage of vessel types

Table 3: Worked stone

Table 4: Percentages of identified fragments out of total identified to area of skeleton

Table 5: Archaeobotanical remains from Area N2

Table 6: Archaeobotanical remains from Area N2 internal features

Table 7: Radiocarbon dates

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