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The Archaeological Landscape Park of Aguntum - an Alpine Roman Town in East Tyrol. Synergy between cultural heritage, landscape protection and biodiversity

Andreas Nemmert, Andrea Hassler and Oliver Stöhr

Cite this as: Nemmert, A., Hassler, A. and Stöhr, O. 2023 The Archaeological Landscape Park of Aguntum - an Alpine Roman Town in East Tyrol. Synergy between cultural heritage, landscape protection and biodiversity, Internet Archaeology 62.


Aerial overview of the Roman town and Landscape Park of Aguntum
Aerial overview of the Roman town and Landscape Park of Aguntum (Image credit: Obberainer)

The archaeological site of Aguntum is located near Lienz in East Tyrol. Around ten years ago, Aguntum was not attractive to visitors, had an inconsistent appearance, and no clear policy for future development. In 2014, this led to the initiation of a broad-based process to define a mission statement for Aguntum. The goal was to create a common, homogeneous strategy that would serve as a future 'big picture' for all decision-makers to orientate themselves by. Based on this, a master plan was developed. Over the years, it has been possible to implement many measures, defined in the master plan, while still sticking to the actual basic tasks of scientific excavation work and preservation or conservation of the monument. Aguntum is a good example that cultural heritage and biodiversity are very closely related.

Corresponding author: Andreas Nemmert
REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH, Nußdorf-Debant, Austria

Andrea Hassler
REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH, Nußdorf-Debant, Austria

Oliver Stöhr
REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH, Nußdorf-Debant, Austria

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Figure 1: Aerial overview of the Roman town and Landscape Park of Aguntum (Image credit: Oberrainer)

Figure 2: The different districts of Aguntum (Image credit: REVITAL). Marcellum: market place; Wohnviertel: residential area; Vorstadt: suburb; Handwerksviertel: craft district; Therme und Thermenvorplatz : Thermal bath complex; 'Städtischer Freiraum': urban space; Prunkbau: magnificent building

Figure 3: New vegetation and restored walls at Aguntum (Image credit: REVITAL)

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