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Experiences Between Nature Conservation and Archaeology in the Old Water System of Southern Hesse (Hesse, Germany)

Thomas Becker

Cite this as: Becker, T. 2023 Experiences Between Nature Conservation and Archaeology in the Old Water System of Southern Hesse (Hesse, Germany), Internet Archaeology 62.


A museum display of a large number of small archaeological artifacts
Hoard from an oxbow lake near Groß-Gerau-Dornheim (P. Odvody, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

The landscape of southern Hesse is characterised by many old watercourses. These are areas worthy of protection for both nature conservation and monument protection. On the one hand, they provide special conditions for flora and fauna related to water bodies; on the other hand, from an archaeological point of view, the old watercourses are traffic routes, habitats, sacrificial sites and archives for the history of the landscape. The protection requirements of both interests leads to synergies, but also to disagreements and problems in dealing with the protected areas. Experiences resulting from cooperation are discussed in this article, as well as approaches to solutions for improving joint action.

Corresponding author: Thomas BeckerORCID logo
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office

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Figure 1: Hoard from an oxbow lake near Groß-Gerau-Dornheim (P. Odvody, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

Figure 2: Nature conservation areas in the vicinity of old water bodies in southern Hesse (Th. Becker, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

Figure 3: Preserved foundation walls of the late Roman burgus, Carolingian harbour and medieval castle in the nature reserve 'Steiner Wald von Nordheim' near Biblis-Nordheim, Bergstrasse District (Photo: Th. Becker, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

Figure 4: Investigation of the old course of the river Weschnitz and its inventory and utilisation history in the area of Bensheim (Photo: Th. Becker, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

Figure 5: Wooden grate of an older structure in the area of the Rhine dyke near Biblis-Nordheim (Photo: R. Klausmann, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

Figure 6: Information board of the UNESCO Geopark Bergstraße-Odenwald on geology and archaeology (Photo: Th. Becker, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE, Darmstadt field office)

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