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Locating Former Nazi Terror Sites: A Methodological 'How-To' for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management

Barbara Hausmair and Attila Dézsi

Cite this as: Hausmair, B. and Dézsi, A. 2024 Locating Former Nazi Terror Sites: A Methodological 'How-To' for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management, Internet Archaeology 66.

List of Archives

Arolsen Archives (Bad Arolsen, Germany; online collection and every-name-counts project): war and post-war materials on people deported under the Nazi regime, DPs, camps, mass graves and burial grounds, post-war search missions, etc.

Baden-Württemberg State Archives/State Archive Sigmaringen (Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg/Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Sigmaringen, Germany): post-war materials on the restitution matters related to the Natzweiler complex

Baden-Württemberg State Archives/Central State Archive Stuttgart (Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg/Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany): war and post-war materials on various administrative matters related to the Natzweiler complex and Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg State Office for Geoinformation and Land Development (Landesamt für Geoinformation and Landentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany; general contact and webGIS on LeoBW): Baden-Württemberg war-time aerial images of the USAAF and from 1968

Baden-Württemberg State Office for Geology, Resources and Mining (Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau, Freiburg, Germany): Baden-Württemberg war and post-war materials on underground facilities and mines associated with Nazi war industry

Diplomatic Archives (Archives diplomatiques/Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, La Courneuve, France): war and post-war materials on the Natzweiler complex and Baden-Württemberg

Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv, in particular the branches at Berlin-Lichterfelde, Freiburg and Ludwigsburg, Germany): war and post-war materials on the Nazi state

French National Archives (Archives nationals/Ministère de la Culture France, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine): war and post-war materials on the Natzweiler complex and Baden-Württemberg

Historical Department of Defence (Service Historique de la Défense/Ministère des Armèes, Caen, France): war and post-war materials on the Natzweiler complex and Baden-Württemberg

National Archives and Records Administration (United States, Washington DC): war and post-war materials on Nazi Germany and post-war occupation matters, war-time aerial images of the USAAF

National Collection of Aerial Photography (Edinburgh, United Kingdom): war-time aerial images of the RAF and allied air units

List of Memorial Initiatives at Former Natzweiler Camps

Former main camp

Centre Européen du Résistant Déporté - Ancien camp de Natzweiler-Struthof, Natzwiller, France

Former subcamps

Arbeitskreis „Wüste" Balingen, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Association des Amis de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation, Urbès, France

Association du Fort de Metz-Queuleu, France

Gedenkstätte KZ Geislingen, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Gedenkstättenverein KZ Bisingen e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Geschichtsort Adlerwerke: Fabrik - Zwangsarbeit - Konzentrationslager, Frankfurt -Geschichtswerkstatt KZ-Gedenkstätte Echterdingen-Bernhausen, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Initiative Gedenkstätte Eckerwald e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Initiative Gedenkstätte KZ Heilbronn-Neckargartach, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Initiative Gedenkstätte Vulkan, Haslach, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Initiative KZ-Gedenken in Spaichingen e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Initiative KZ-Gedenkstätte Hessental e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

KZ-Gedenkstätte Hailfingen-Tailfingen e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

KZ-Gedenkstätte Neckarelz e.V., Mosbach, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

KZ-Gedenkstätte Sandhofen e.V., Mannheim, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

KZ-Gedenkstätte Vaihingen/Enz e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

KZ-Gedenkstätteninitiative Leonberg e.V., Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Margit-Horvath-Zentrum, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany/Hessen

Miklos-Klein-Stiftung, ehemaliges KZ Kochendorf, Germany/Baden-Württemberg

Memorial networks

Natzweiler Memorials Network

Verbund der Gedenkstätten im ehemaligen KZ-Komplex Natzweiler e.V.

List of heritage projects related to Natzweiler camps

LAD Natzweiler-project

3-D model of shale oil factory Wüste 10 (Steffen and Steffen/LAD)

3-D model of the underground industrial facility Vulkan/Haslach (Markus and Christoph Steffen/LAD)

Denkmal Europa: Natzweiler

European Heritage Label: Former Natzweiler concentration camp and its satellite camps, France - Germany

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