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Categories Beyond: an approach to value and relevance of archaeological heritage. Three case studies in Westphalia, Germany

Michael Malliaris

Cite this as: Malliaris, M. 2024 Categories Beyond: an approach to value and relevance of archaeological heritage. Three case studies in Westphalia, Germany, Internet Archaeology 66.

1. Discussion

The relevance and acceptance of archaeological heritage, particularly from the 18th to the 20th centuries, depend not only on robust scientific and heritage work, but also on effective mediation to the interested public. Essential components of this mediation include providing thorough and unbiased answers to questions that focus on the value and legitimacy of monuments. In contrast to other historical periods, objects of modern historical archaeology delve into issues that offer a direct and intensive glimpse into the living environment of contemporary society. Archaeologists engaged in this field must navigate diverse opportunities and risks presented by evidence from both early and advanced industrialisation. An indispensable interdisciplinary approach to addressing pertinent questions and viewpoints not only enhances the understanding of the research subject but also inevitably fosters greater public acceptance.

An impartial and close examination of archaeological heritage can make visible its soft power and persistence. Taking an individualised, more personal approach, heritage may then become relevant for an increasing number of members of society. Stressing themes that go beyond the specialists' perspective gives an opportunity to shed light on, or even redefine, fundamental categories of human existence. Exploring questions and themes of contemporary significance provides an opportunity for the public to uncover the timeless aspects of nature and human society within a specific context of present-day life. These questions may concern e.g.

The above issues are now noted on the following monuments by way of example.

Max-Clemens-Kanal from Münster to Maxhafen, 1731-1840.

trees in a forest with white markings showing former water line
Figure 1: Partially refilled Max-Clemens-Kanal with marked tree trunks of former water line near Emsdetten (Image by Marvin 101,

Keyword characterisation

Extended themes

Witten, Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis, Steinhauser Hütte, 1856-1920

an aerial view of an archaeological trench next to train tracks and a housing estate
Figure 2: Drone photo of commercial area in Witten with remains of Steinhauser Hütte during the excavation in 2018 (LWL-AfW/R. Klostermann)

Keyword characterisation

Extended themes

Neuenkirchen-St Arnold, POW Camp from World War I

an aerial view of an excavation trench in a field
Figure 3: Drone photo of the camp site and excavation area. Vegetation features highlight some 50 barracks also visible in the excavation trench (LWL-AfW/R. Klostermann)

Keyword characterisation

Extended themes

2. Presence of archaeological heritage

Fundamental themes, categories and issues like those proposed above allow a diachronic and universal approach to archaeological heritage. Diverse new questions allow fresh answers adapted to contemporary and future societies. Public interdisciplinary research on the basis of monuments allows for the dismantling of restrictive categories like the dichotomy of past and present. It is an effective method to make archaeological heritage present. Searching for categories beyond conventional boundaries may potentially lead to a perspective where archaeological monuments are recognised as valuable and inspiring components of today's living environment.


Knüfermann, H. 1907 Geschichte des Max-Clemens-Kanals im Münsterland, Hildesheim, zugl. Univ. Diss.

Lange, E. and Heidbrink, H. (eds) 2022 Der Max-Clemens-Kanal. Wanderungen mit Geschichte und Geschichten, Münster: Ardey Verlag.

Max-Clemens-Kanal (Wikipedia)

Max-Clemens Kanal Traumhaft Radfahren

Stationen des Max-Clemens-Kanal-Wanderweges

Steinhauser Hütte

Essling-Wintzer, W., Höller, J.H. and Luke, S. 2018 'Steinhauser Hütte in Witten - ein industriegeschichtliches Denkmal europäischen Ranges', Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe 2018, 188-93.

Schmidt-Rutsch, O. and Essling-Wintzer, W. 2020 'Vergessene Stahlzeit - Die Steinhauser Hütte in Witten. Ein Beispiel für die Herausforderungen und das Erkenntnispotential der Industriearchäologie' in U. Müller and F. Jürgens (eds) Archäologie der Moderne. Standpunkte und Perspektiven, Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag. 101-8.

Neuenkirchen, POW-Camp WW I:

Wunschel, A. 2023 'Vergeltung aus der Vogelperspektive', Archäologie in Deutschland 3, 60.

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