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Finding the Wrong People. Challenges of contemporary archaeology in Poland

Agnieszka Oniszczuk and Jakub Wrzosek

Cite this as: Oniszczuk, A. and Wrzosek, J. 2024 Finding the Wrong People. Challenges of contemporary archaeology in Poland, Internet Archaeology 66.


The immediate past has been of interest within Polish archaeology only very recently. Research was first undertaken in 1967 and was incidental, tending not to change the general view of archaeologists focused on periods spanning prehistory to the Middle Ages, and then gradually adding the 17th and 18th centuries. A permanent change came in the 1990s with the emergence of development-led archaeology in Poland. Excavations preceding construction of motorways and other infrastructure projects revealed relics dating back to 1800-1945 on an unprecedented scale. Initially, insufficient historical knowledge made archaeological research particularly difficult. Now, after a few decades, this pioneer era is coming to an end, and there are archaeologists focusing mainly on the contemporary period e.g. archaeology of armed conflicts in the broadest sense of the term or narrowly specialised forensic archaeology.

fragments of pottery and bottles
Examples of finds from the excavations at the former Gęsia Street in Warsaw dating to WWII part of the Jewish ghetto. © J. Wrzosek, 2023

Nevertheless, the challenges of contemporary archaeology still exist. They are related to the key heritage management issues and significant consequences (including financial consequences) of resulting administrative decisions with regard to archaeological heritage of the 18th-20th centuries. In this article, individual challenges are discussed with regard to archaeology and memory, systems of heritage protection as well as preservation and research. Selected case studies are used to illustrate them all.

The omission of time boundaries in binding legal definitions of both monuments and archaeological monuments is perfectly fine, because this ensures that all the relatively new relics are, in theory, as protected as older ones regardless of their state of preservation. However, in practice, archaeological research of a 19th-20th century site can cause confusion, from the first application for a research permit up to choosing a storage facility for the finds and their proper permanent curation. In order to go beyond the state-of-the-art in Poland, this article presents several solutions consistent with the existing legal framework. However, a uniform approach is still to be developed, even within the archaeological community.

Corresponding author: Agnieszka OniszczukORCID logo
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (National Institute of Cultural Heritage), Poland

Jakub WrzosekORCID logo
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (National Institute of Cultural Heritage), Poland

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Figure 1: Examples of finds from the excavations at the former Gęsia Street in Warsaw dating to WWII part of the Jewish ghetto. © J. Wrzosek, 2023

Figure 2: Examples of finds from the excavations at the former Gęsia Street in Warsaw - dating to WWII part of the Jewish ghetto. © J. Wrzosek, 2023

Figure 3: Wreck of a 19th-century steamboat located in the shallows of the Bug river, near the village of Bojany, c. 85km east of Warsaw. © SNAP Oddział w Warszawie, 2014

Figure 4: Wreck of a 19th-century steamboat from the Bug river - site recording in 2014. © SNAP Oddział w Warszawie 2014

Figure 5: Wreck of a 19th-century steamboat from the Bug river - site recording and the resulting drawing. © SNAP Oddział w Warszawie, 2014

Figure 6: Fragment of the Kierbedź Bridge - the first steel bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw built in 1859-1864 - presented near the Road and Bridge Research Institute in Warsaw. © Adrian Grycuk, 2017, CC BY-SA 3.0 PL

Figure 7: Fragment of the so-called 'II bridge' from the 1870s, originally located near the Warsaw citadel, presented near the Road and Bridge Research Institute in Warsaw. © Adrian Grycuk, 2017, CC BY-SA 3.0 PL

Table 1: Comparison of approaches to 19th-20th century relics depending on their recognition as heritage

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