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A Protocol for When Social Media Goes Private: Studying archaeological or heritage discourses in closed Facebook groups

Katherine Davidson, Shawn Graham and Damien Huffer

Cite this as: Davidson, K., Graham, S. and Huffer, D. 2024 A Protocol for When Social Media Goes Private: Studying archaeological or heritage discourses in closed Facebook groups, Internet Archaeology 67.


Our major project explores the discourses that surround the buying and selling of human remains over social media. We discuss the research ethics framework established in Canada by the 'Tri-Council' research agencies as it pertains to studying social media in general. Issues of privacy and consent are paramount. Human remains trading happens in both public and private social media. We detail the process we went through, and the protocol that we evolved as a result, for studying private social media posts in closed Facebook groups. This process, protocol, and rationale may be useful for other researchers studying how archaeology and cultural heritage are framed or discussed in these venues. What people say in public is not what might be said in private, and researchers need ethical approaches to study such discourses.

Corresponding author: Shawn GrahamORCID logo
Carleton University

Katherine DavidsonORCID logo
Carleton University

Damien HufferORCID logo
University of Queensland/Carleton University

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