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Selecting sites and telling stories: fieldwork practice and emerging narratives for the archaeology of HS2 Phase One

John Halsted

Cite this as: Halsted, J. 2024 Selecting sites and telling stories: fieldwork practice and emerging narratives for the archaeology of HS2 Phase One, Internet Archaeology 67.


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Romano-British stone sculpture from St Mary's Church, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire. Image credit: ©HS2 Ltd

The interpretation of our investigations into the past, which can explore the chronological development of a site, the activities of its inhabitants or the environment in which they lived, culminate in the formation of archaeological narratives. These may take the form of a discussion in an archaeological report, a conference presentation or a story in the media. The narratives we develop as a result of archaeological fieldwork are directly influenced by the methodologies we employ. On a large-scale project such as HS2 Phase One, those methodologies can include a variety of survey and sampling strategies, culminating in the selection of specific locations for further investigation. The methodology and decision-making process has been influenced by the Specific Objectives as set out in the Historic Environment Research and Delivery Strategy (HERDS). The narratives produced will be generated for both academic historic environment audiences and the wider public, including local communities and school children. This paper will examine the types of narratives and stories that are produced for different audiences and consider which themes are chosen and the extent to which those are influenced by the research questions we have set out.

Corresponding author: John Halsted
HS2 Ltd

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Figure 1: Romano-British stone sculpture from St Mary's Church, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire. Image credit: ©HS2 Ltd.

Figure 2: Exhibition showing representations of people excavated from St James's Gardens, Euston. Displayed at St James's Church, Piccadilly. Image credit: ©HS2 Ltd.

Figure 3: Showing the excavated gatehouse at Coleshill, Warwickshire. Image credit: ©HS2 Ltd.

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