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The Restoration of Archaeological Sites, Old Perceptions and New Narratives: the case of Sparta

Charikleia Giannakaki

Cite this as: Giannakaki, C. 2024 The Restoration of Archaeological Sites, Old Perceptions and New Narratives: the case of Sparta, Internet Archaeology 67.


Row of Spartan soldiers with colourful sheilds like up in from of a statue in an open public space under a blue sky
The Educational Ancient Military Troop 'Leonidas' in front of the statue of Leonidas. The members, dressed as ancient Spartan soldiers, pay their respects to the statue of the famous Spartan king. Image from:

Sparta stands out as a prominent city-state of ancient Greece, renowned for its significant historical impact. Its legacy is marked not only by its involvement in major historical events but also by the 'peculiarities' attributed to the constitution and societal life of the Classical city. Ancient written sources often portrayed Sparta as a militaristic and patriotic model of severity, discipline and austerity, crafting narratives that emphasised these traits. Over time, these narratives have fascinated various audiences and frequently been used for ideological and political purposes. Locally, these historical narratives have affected aspects of the contemporary Spartan society and the expectations of visitors and scholars. Projects for the enhancement of Spartan archaeological sites were systematically implemented rather late, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This article discusses this development and explores the ways in which organised and accessible archaeological sites and their narratives can engage diverse audiences. It also considers how such efforts can challenge and revise established narratives, impacting local identity and regional development.

Corresponding author: Charikleia (Chara) GiannakakiORCID logo
Ministry of Culture, Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia

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Figure 1: The ruins of the Roman theatre of Sparta by Julien-David Le Roy, 1770. The remains of the impressive Roman monument have served as a reference point for the topography of both the ancient and the modern city of Sparta. Image taken from: [Last accessed: 26 February 2024]

Figure 2: Excavation at the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia in Sparta by the British School at Athens (1906-1910). In the foreground, the remains of the sanctuary's amphitheatre (3rd century CE), are visible, set against the backdrop of the Eurotas river. Image taken from Dickins 1906-7.

Figure 3: Remains of the temple of Athena Chalkioikos, Sparta's patron goddess, on the acropolis. The structure was a simple rectangular building made of local stone. Image: Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia archive. The rights to the depicted monument belong to the Ministry of Culture. Hellenic Ministry of Culture / Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development.

Figure 4: The Educational Ancient Military Troop 'Leonidas' in front of the statue of Leonidas. The members, dressed as ancient Spartan soldiers, pay their respects to statue of the famous Spartan king. Image from: [Last accessed: 21 July 2024]

Figure 5: Athletic event organised by the Municipality of Sparta in front of Leonidas' statue. The banners surrounding the statue, bearing the municipality's logos, prominently feature a depiction of King Leonidas inspired by the film '300'. Image: C. Giannakaki

Figure 6: Poster for the public screening of the film '300', held as part of the celebrations marking the 2500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae (August 2021). The event was organised by the Municipality of Sparta. Image: [Last accessed: 25 July 2024]

Figure 7: The 'Round Building' (Archaic period, c. 600 BCE) at the area of the agora of ancient Sparta after the enhancement work (2015). Image: Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia archive. The rights to the depicted monument belong to the Ministry of Culture. Hellenic Ministry of Culture / Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development.

Figure 8: The 'House of Mosaics' in Sparta features a restored late 19th century architectural structure that shelters two mosaics from the late 3rd and early 4th centuries AD, preserved in their original location. Website: [Last accessed: 25 July 2024]. Image: Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia archive. The rights to the depicted monument belong to the Ministry of Culture. Hellenic Ministry of Culture / Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development.

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