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Great Excavations: Methodological considerations arising after a major archaeological infrastructure project for the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Road Improvement SchemeOpen Data

Alex Smith, Emma West, Stephen Sherlock, Kasia Gdaniec and David Bowsher

Cite this as: Smith, A., West, E., Sherlock, S., Gdaniec. K. and Bowsher, D. 2024 Great Excavations: Methodological considerations arising after a major archaeological infrastructure project for the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Road Improvement Scheme, Internet Archaeology 67.


This short paper draws together and evaluates some of the main methodologies utilized within the different stages of the A14 project and provides some 'lessons learned' that may be useful for future archaeological projects, particularly those associated with large infrastructure. To deliver a more balanced methodological evaluation, perspectives from different project stakeholders are captured here: those of the client (National Highways and A14 IDT), principal archaeological contractor (MHI) and curator (Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team; CHET).

  • Google Scholar
  • Keywords: archaeology, infrastructure, methodology, lessons learned, Cambridgeshire
  • Accepted: June 2024. Published: December 2024
  • Funding: This publication was funded by National Highways
  • Related digital archive: MOLA Headland Infrastructure 2024 A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire [data-set], York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]
  • PDF download (main article text only)

Corresponding author: Alex SmithORCID logo
Headland Archaeology

Emma West
Headland Archaeology

Stephen Sherlock
Principal Archaeologist A14 IDT

Kasia Gdaniec
Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team (retired)

David BowsherORCID logo

Full text

Figure 1a: Location of project

Figure 1b: Location of project - detail

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