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Excavations at the Late Bronze Age site of Erimi-Pitharka, Cyprus (2022-2023 seasons): Regional production and storage in the Kouris Valley

Lærke Recht, Katarzyna Zeman-Wiśniewska and Lorenzo Mazzotta

Cite this as: Recht, L., Zeman-Wiśniewska, K. and Mazzotta, L. 2024 Excavations at the Late Bronze Age site of Erimi-Pitharka, Cyprus (2022-2023 seasons): Regional production and storage in the Kouris Valley, Internet Archaeology 67.


Room 101, lowest level with plaster floor. Photos and model by L. Recht
Room 101, lowest level with plaster floor. Still from 3D model by L. Recht

The rural site of Erimi-Pitharka is located in the archaeologically rich Kouris Valley of south-central Cyprus. Previous rescue excavations by the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, have revealed a subterranean complex, industrial areas, and a building complex at the highest topographical point of the site. New excavations by an international team began in 2022 and continued in 2023. We here report on the findings from these first two seasons, which have focused on the large building complex in Area I/1A. Dated to Late Cypriot (LC) IIC-IIIA (c. 1300-1150 BCE), this part of the site is characterised by an emphasis on agricultural production and storage. The inhabitants took advantage of the soft limestone-rich bedrock to create subterranean and semi-subterranean installations, rooms and storage spaces, and pithoi were similarly used for storage and industrial activities. Pitharka was peacefully abandoned, and much of the material culture was removed in the process.

Corresponding author: Lærke RechtORCID logo
University of Graz

Katarzyna Zeman-WiśniewskaORCID logo
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw

Lorenzo Mazzotta
Independent researcher

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Figure 1: Location of Erimi-Pitharka: Figure 1a in Cyprus, Figure 1b in the Kouris Valley, Figure 1c Site area with Area I/1A marked in black rectangle, subterranean complex marked by red circle. Prepared by L. Recht, based on Google Earth images

Figure 2: Drone photos of Erimi-Pitharka: A. The general Area 1A eastern and northern trenches, with the modern wall (Area I), B. Eastern trenches, C. Northern trenches (2022 campaign), D. Northern trenches (2023 campaign). Photos by A. Villani and L. Recht

Figure 3: Features in T5 and T6: A. F2, pit reused as dump, B. F4 with bathtub and pithos fragments inside, C. F3 and F4 with bathtub to the west, cleared of the pithos fragments. Photos by M. Schutti

Figure 4: Phases of R101, from latest (A) to earliest (D), marked with locus and elevation. Photos by L. Recht and A. Villani

Figure 5: Deposition of Aegean-type skyphos, cooking pot and needle in T7 L37. Photos by L. Gran, drawings by L. Mazzotta and A. Say-Otun, digitised by L. Recht

Figure 6: Plate with selected sherds. Drawings by J. Preininger, T. Welz, A. Say-Otun, K. Zeman-Wiśniewska, M. Yamasaki, L. Mazzotta and L. Gran, photos by L. Gran and M. Wiśniewski, digitised by L. Recht and B. Clark

Figure 7: Examples of nearly complete vessels from Erimi-Pitharka. Photos by L. Gran, drawings by M. Yamasaki and J. Preininger, digitised by L. Recht

Figure 8: Selection of groundstone tools from Erimi-Pitharka. Photos by L. Gran and M. Wiśniewski, drawings by M. Yamasaki, digitised by L. Recht

Figure 9: Selection of gaming stones from Erimi-Pitharka. Photos by L. Gran, drawings by M. Yamasaki, digitised by L. Recht

Figure 10: Picrolite and bronze objects from Erimi-Pitharka. Photos by L. Gran and L. Recht, drawings by M. Yamasaki, digitised by L. Recht

Figure 11: Figure 11a: Early architectural phases in the northern trenches. Prepared by L. Recht and Figure 11b Late architectural phases in the northern trenches. Prepared by L. Recht

Figure 12: Examples of reused stone objects in walls. A. Pivot stone in W11, B. Gaming stone in W5, C. Tripod stone mortar and broken grinding stone in W12. Photos by L. Recht

Model 1: Room 101, lowest level with plaster floor. Photos and model by L. Recht

Model 2: Picrolite 'button'. Photos and model by M. Wiśniewski

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