
Leskernick download page
Figure 1: The Leskernick download page

The Leskernick site opens with a download page: minimalist, with small image and logo files allowing for quick transfer. Hopefully, it is tantalizing enough to instil a desire to explore further. The panorama takes the reader to the homepage.

Leskernick homepage
Figure 2: Leskernick homepage

The homepage is made up of a rather large graphic file - a montage. The size of the graphic is, I hope, justified in that it hints at themes that run through the project: archaeology as science (plan), as discourse (books), as emotional and intellectual engagement with place (excerpt from poem, coloured stone), as physical engagement and adventure (levering stone). The montage also situates the project within a specific geographical landscape: Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, with a view of Brown Willy, a ridge that dominates the western horizon from Leskernick Hill. Along the bottom there is also a row of stones labelled, from left to right, 'FORUM', 'GALLERY', 'INTRODUCTION', 'ARTICLES' and 'DIARIES' which provides the main navigational interface. Much more could be said about the montage and perhaps a visitor to the site will contribute. The text to the right of the montage identifies the institutional base of the project, UCL, and describes it as 'An interdisciplinary approach to landscape and the symbolism of place on Bodmin Moor, eastern Cornwall.'. There are also a couple of graphic links to download sites for 'Netscape Navigator' and 'Adobe Acrobat' the basic software recommended to run the site properly.


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Last updated: Wed Nov 17 1999