Cite this as: Arcos García, M. 2025 Everything Clashes in the City: Some Spanish examples of peaceful coexistence around archaeological heritage, Internet Archaeology 70.
Spain, like other southern European countries, is renowned for its rich and abundant archaeological heritage, much of which still remains hidden in the ground. The challenge of balancing the protection and enhancement of this heritage with the need to provide modern public services and infrastructure has, in recent years, led to the development of ingenious solutions. These solutions have enabled the coexistence of our material past with the cities of tomorrow in various innovative ways. This paper presents recent examples of urban archaeology in Spain, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve a balance between urban development and the preservation of archaeological heritage, with a particular focus on Ibiza International Airport.
Corresponding author: Marta Arcos García
Management and Coordination for Cultural Assets, Ministry of Culture
Figure 1: One of the first preserved photographs of the Roman theatre in Mérida, Spain (© IPCE)
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