Ave Valley Survey: Known Site Locations Full Results

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Note that although many of the references are available from the article bibliography (linked), not all are listed since they are taken from the source publication as noted. Users who wish to chase up all these references are referred to the data source.


Map Number 171
Site Name Castro de S. Lourenco
Parish Town Vila Cha
District Esposende
X 519977
Y 4600876
Altitude (metres ASL) 180
Geology Granite
Site Type Altar
Period Roman
References Santos 1983;Brochado de Almeida 1982
Data Source Alarcao 1988
Situation River Valley Terrace
Aspect of Slope south
Immediate Gradient (degrees) 4-8
Surrounding Gradient (degrees) 28-32
Visible Castros 0
Visible Roman Settlements 0


© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue9/millett/known_locations_fr.cfm?text_number=171
Last updated: Thur Jul 15 2004