Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 143
Area m² 3175.562
Total No. of Sherds 22.0433422493404
Total Weight (in gms) 66.1300267480213
Fabric 106 sherds 3.14904889276292
Fabric 106 weight 15.7452444638146
Fabric 302 sherds 3.14904889276292
Fabric 302 weight 25.1923911421034
Fabric 308 sherds 12.5961955710517
Fabric 308 weight 22.0433422493404
Fabric 317 sherds 3.14904889276292
Fabric 317 weight 3.14904889276292


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=143
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004