Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 187
Area m² 20943.406
Total No. of Sherds 7.16215881982138
Total Weight (in gms) 4.77477254654759
Fabric 302 sherds 4.77477254654759
Fabric 302 weight 3.34234078258331
Fabric 308 sherds 1.43243176396428
Fabric 308 weight 0.954954509309517
Fabric 325 sherds 0.954954509309517
Fabric 325 weight 0.477477254654759


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=187
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004