Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 236
Area m² 1452.938
Total No. of Sherds 172.065153502765
Total Weight (in gms) 543.725885068737
Fabric 202 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 202 weight 13.7652122802212
Fabric 209 sherds 13.7652122802212
Fabric 209 weight 82.5912736813271
Fabric 212 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 212 weight 6.88260614011059
Fabric 301 sherds 34.4130307005529
Fabric 301 weight 27.5304245604424
Fabric 302 sherds 27.5304245604424
Fabric 302 weight 82.5912736813271
Fabric 303 sherds 27.5304245604424
Fabric 303 weight 48.1782429807741
Fabric 305 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 305 weight 34.4130307005529
Fabric 308 sherds 27.5304245604424
Fabric 308 weight 75.7086675412165
Fabric 309 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 309 weight 130.769516662101
Fabric 323 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 323 weight 27.5304245604424
Fabric 501 sherds 6.88260614011059
Fabric 501 weight 13.7652122802212


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=236
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004