Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 256
Area m² 3601.312
Total No. of Sherds 47.2050186154379
Total Weight (in gms) 147.16858744813
Fabric 205 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 205 weight 8.33029740272434
Fabric 209 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 209 weight 5.55353160181623
Fabric 212 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 212 weight 8.33029740272434
Fabric 301 sherds 16.6605948054487
Fabric 301 weight 11.1070632036325
Fabric 302 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 302 weight 13.8838290045406
Fabric 308 sherds 11.1070632036325
Fabric 308 weight 38.8747212127136
Fabric 314 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 314 weight 22.2141264072649
Fabric 317 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 317 weight 2.77676580090811
Fabric 318 sherds 2.77676580090811
Fabric 318 weight 36.0979554118055


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=256
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004