Data help | Article contents page | Pottery and tile analysis
Field no. | 287 |
Area m² | 3631.5 |
Total No. of Sherds | 156.959933911607 |
Total Weight (in gms) | 468.126118683739 |
Fabric 203 sherds | 16.5220983064849 |
Fabric 203 weight | 27.5368305108082 |
Fabric 205 sherds | 8.26104915324246 |
Fabric 205 weight | 11.0147322043233 |
Fabric 215 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 215 weight | 5.50736610216164 |
Fabric 301 sherds | 30.290513561889 |
Fabric 301 weight | 30.290513561889 |
Fabric 302 sherds | 33.0441966129698 |
Fabric 302 weight | 96.3789067878287 |
Fabric 306 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 306 weight | 30.290513561889 |
Fabric 307 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 307 weight | 46.8126118683739 |
Fabric 308 sherds | 52.3199779705356 |
Fabric 308 weight | 212.033594933223 |
Fabric 314 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 314 weight | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 325 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 325 weight | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 501 sherds | 2.75368305108082 |
Fabric 501 weight | 2.75368305108082 |
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URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=287
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004