Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 313
Area m² 9591.906
Total No. of Sherds 37.5316438672356
Total Weight (in gms) 92.7865640051101
Fabric 205 sherds 6.25527397787259
Fabric 205 weight 13.553093618724
Fabric 209 sherds 2.08509132595753
Fabric 209 weight 5.21272831489383
Fabric 212 sherds 1.04254566297877
Fabric 212 weight 2.08509132595753
Fabric 215 sherds 1.04254566297877
Fabric 215 weight 1.04254566297877
Fabric 301 sherds 4.17018265191506
Fabric 301 weight 6.25527397787259
Fabric 302 sherds 1.04254566297877
Fabric 302 weight 5.21272831489383
Fabric 303 sherds 4.17018265191506
Fabric 303 weight 11.4680022927664
Fabric 305 sherds 2.08509132595753
Fabric 305 weight 2.08509132595753
Fabric 308 sherds 11.4680022927664
Fabric 308 weight 28.1487329004267
Fabric 320 sherds 3.1276369889363
Fabric 320 weight 15.6381849446815
Fabric 501 sherds 1.04254566297877
Fabric 501 weight 2.08509132595753


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=313
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004