Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 360
Area m² 14743.812
Total No. of Sherds 3.39125322542094
Total Weight (in gms) 23.0605219328624
Fabric 102 sherds 0.678250645084189
Fabric 102 weight 13.5650129016838
Fabric 301 sherds 1.35650129016838
Fabric 301 weight 1.35650129016838
Fabric 302 sherds 1.35650129016838
Fabric 302 weight 8.13900774101026


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=360
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004