Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 428
Area m² 11375.812
Total No. of Sherds 30.7670344763082
Total Weight (in gms) 143.286474846807
Fabric 106 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 106 weight 4.39529063947259
Fabric 203 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 203 weight 0.879058127894519
Fabric 206 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 206 weight 5.27434876736711
Fabric 212 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 212 weight 1.75811625578904
Fabric 215 sherds 2.63717438368356
Fabric 215 weight 7.91152315105067
Fabric 301 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 301 weight 0.879058127894519
Fabric 302 sherds 2.63717438368356
Fabric 302 weight 6.15340689526163
Fabric 303 sherds 3.51623251157807
Fabric 303 weight 25.492685708941
Fabric 308 sherds 14.0649300463123
Fabric 308 weight 65.9293595920889
Fabric 314 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 314 weight 5.27434876736711
Fabric 326 sherds 0.879058127894519
Fabric 326 weight 8.79058127894519
Fabric 501 sherds 1.75811625578904
Fabric 501 weight 10.5486975347342


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=428
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004