Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 435
Area m² 18386.531
Total No. of Sherds 9.78977491730224
Total Weight (in gms) 38.0713469006198
Fabric 205 sherds 0.543876384294569
Fabric 205 weight 0.543876384294569
Fabric 211 sherds 0.543876384294569
Fabric 211 weight 1.08775276858914
Fabric 215 sherds 1.08775276858914
Fabric 215 weight 4.89488745865112
Fabric 303 sherds 1.08775276858914
Fabric 303 weight 2.71938192147284
Fabric 308 sherds 4.89488745865112
Fabric 308 weight 19.0356734503099
Fabric 316 sherds 0.543876384294569
Fabric 316 weight 2.71938192147284
Fabric 326 sherds 0.543876384294569
Fabric 326 weight 4.35101107435655
Fabric 327 sherds 0.543876384294569
Fabric 327 weight 2.71938192147284


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=435
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004