Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 44
Area m² 10897.688
Total No. of Sherds 102.774093000277
Total Weight (in gms) 387.238100411757
Fabric 201 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 201 weight 0.917625830359614
Fabric 202 sherds 3.67050332143846
Fabric 202 weight 13.7643874553942
Fabric 204 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 204 weight 4.58812915179807
Fabric 205 sherds 4.58812915179807
Fabric 205 weight 18.3525166071923
Fabric 207 sherds 2.75287749107884
Fabric 207 weight 4.58812915179807
Fabric 210 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 210 weight 2.75287749107884
Fabric 212 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 212 weight 1.83525166071923
Fabric 215 sherds 4.58812915179807
Fabric 215 weight 10.0938841339558
Fabric 301 sherds 15.5996391161134
Fabric 301 weight 19.2701424375519
Fabric 302 sherds 16.517264946473
Fabric 302 weight 74.3276922591287
Fabric 304 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 304 weight 19.2701424375519
Fabric 307 sherds 8.25863247323652
Fabric 307 weight 35.7874073840249
Fabric 308 sherds 36.7050332143846
Fabric 308 weight 165.172649464731
Fabric 311 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 311 weight 1.83525166071923
Fabric 318 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 318 weight 5.50575498215768
Fabric 320 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 320 weight 2.75287749107884
Fabric 501 sherds 1.83525166071923
Fabric 501 weight 2.75287749107884
Fabric 601 sherds 0.917625830359614
Fabric 601 weight 3.67050332143846


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=44
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004