Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 457
Area m² 1341.531
Total No. of Sherds 208.71675719756
Total Weight (in gms) 603.787761892942
Fabric 205 sherds 14.9083397998257
Fabric 205 weight 37.2708494995643
Fabric 215 sherds 7.45416989991286
Fabric 215 weight 22.3625096997386
Fabric 301 sherds 37.2708494995643
Fabric 301 weight 29.8166795996514
Fabric 302 sherds 22.3625096997386
Fabric 302 weight 126.720888298519
Fabric 303 sherds 7.45416989991286
Fabric 303 weight 37.2708494995643
Fabric 308 sherds 89.4500387989543
Fabric 308 weight 313.07513579634
Fabric 310 sherds 7.45416989991286
Fabric 310 weight 14.9083397998257
Fabric 325 sherds 7.45416989991286
Fabric 325 weight 14.9083397998257
Fabric 501 sherds 14.9083397998257
Fabric 501 weight 7.45416989991286


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=457
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004