Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 475
Area m² 5689.688
Total No. of Sherds 61.514796593416
Total Weight (in gms) 231.998661438026
Fabric 101 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 101 weight 8.78782808477372
Fabric 102 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 102 weight 31.6361811051854
Fabric 202 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 202 weight 1.75756561695474
Fabric 205 sherds 3.51513123390949
Fabric 205 weight 7.03026246781897
Fabric 209 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 209 weight 1.75756561695474
Fabric 212 sherds 3.51513123390949
Fabric 212 weight 5.27269685086423
Fabric 213 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 213 weight 1.75756561695474
Fabric 215 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 215 weight 5.27269685086423
Fabric 301 sherds 5.27269685086423
Fabric 301 weight 3.51513123390949
Fabric 302 sherds 8.78782808477372
Fabric 302 weight 29.8786154882306
Fabric 303 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 303 weight 7.03026246781897
Fabric 308 sherds 12.3029593186832
Fabric 308 weight 63.2723622103708
Fabric 310 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 310 weight 14.0605249356379
Fabric 317 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 317 weight 7.03026246781897
Fabric 320 sherds 3.51513123390949
Fabric 320 weight 7.03026246781897
Fabric 323 sherds 1.75756561695474
Fabric 323 weight 21.0907874034569
Fabric 326 sherds 3.51513123390949
Fabric 326 weight 5.27269685086423
Fabric 602 sherds 3.51513123390949
Fabric 602 weight 10.5453937017285


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=475
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004