Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 476
Area m² 7365.375
Total No. of Sherds 20.3655618349371
Total Weight (in gms) 90.9661761960525
Fabric 101 sherds 1.35770412232914
Fabric 101 weight 1.35770412232914
Fabric 202 sherds 1.35770412232914
Fabric 202 weight 1.35770412232914
Fabric 212 sherds 1.35770412232914
Fabric 212 weight 5.43081648931657
Fabric 301 sherds 1.35770412232914
Fabric 301 weight 1.35770412232914
Fabric 302 sherds 2.71540824465828
Fabric 302 weight 28.511786568912
Fabric 308 sherds 8.14622473397485
Fabric 308 weight 40.7311236698742
Fabric 326 sherds 1.35770412232914
Fabric 326 weight 1.35770412232914
Fabric 602 sherds 2.71540824465828
Fabric 602 weight 10.8616329786331


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=476
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004