Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 479
Area m² 3659.312
Total No. of Sherds 71.0516075152925
Total Weight (in gms) 303.335709007595
Fabric 203 sherds 2.73275413520356
Fabric 203 weight 30.0602954872391
Fabric 211 sherds 2.73275413520356
Fabric 211 weight 16.3965248112213
Fabric 215 sherds 5.46550827040712
Fabric 215 weight 10.9310165408142
Fabric 301 sherds 10.9310165408142
Fabric 301 weight 13.6637706760178
Fabric 302 sherds 8.19826240561067
Fabric 302 weight 13.6637706760178
Fabric 303 sherds 13.6637706760178
Fabric 303 weight 109.310165408142
Fabric 308 sherds 21.8620330816285
Fabric 308 weight 95.6463947321245
Fabric 320 sherds 2.73275413520356
Fabric 320 weight 5.46550827040712
Fabric 326 sherds 2.73275413520356
Fabric 326 weight 8.19826240561067


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=479
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004