Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 506
Area m² 8901.438
Total No. of Sherds 123.575539143226
Total Weight (in gms) 412.292935141491
Fabric 102 sherds 1.12341399221115
Fabric 102 weight 12.3575539143226
Fabric 201 sherds 1.12341399221115
Fabric 201 weight 3.37024197663344
Fabric 202 sherds 2.24682798442229
Fabric 202 weight 11.2341399221115
Fabric 203 sherds 2.24682798442229
Fabric 203 weight 4.49365596884458
Fabric 205 sherds 12.3575539143226
Fabric 205 weight 26.9619358130675
Fabric 209 sherds 5.61706996105573
Fabric 209 weight 8.98731193768917
Fabric 212 sherds 7.86389794547802
Fabric 212 weight 21.3448658520118
Fabric 301 sherds 6.74048395326688
Fabric 301 weight 6.74048395326688
Fabric 302 sherds 20.2214518598006
Fabric 302 weight 56.1706996105573
Fabric 303 sherds 6.74048395326688
Fabric 303 weight 23.5916938364341
Fabric 307 sherds 1.12341399221115
Fabric 307 weight 14.6043818987449
Fabric 308 sherds 40.4429037196013
Fabric 308 weight 175.252582784939
Fabric 316 sherds 3.37024197663344
Fabric 316 weight 7.86389794547802
Fabric 318 sherds 1.12341399221115
Fabric 318 weight 3.37024197663344
Fabric 323 sherds 3.37024197663344
Fabric 323 weight 15.727795890956
Fabric 325 sherds 4.49365596884458
Fabric 325 weight 5.61706996105573
Fabric 501 sherds 2.24682798442229
Fabric 501 weight 12.3575539143226
Fabric 602 sherds 1.12341399221115
Fabric 602 weight 2.24682798442229


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=506
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004