Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 537
Area m² 2478.656
Total No. of Sherds 60.5166670970074
Total Weight (in gms) 258.204446280565
Fabric 204 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 204 weight 12.1033334194015
Fabric 301 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 301 weight 4.03444447313383
Fabric 302 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 302 weight 12.1033334194015
Fabric 303 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 303 weight 8.06888894626766
Fabric 308 sherds 20.1722223656691
Fabric 308 weight 52.4477781507398
Fabric 314 sherds 12.1033334194015
Fabric 314 weight 48.4133336776059
Fabric 317 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 317 weight 52.4477781507398
Fabric 320 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 320 weight 16.1377778925353
Fabric 323 sherds 4.03444447313383
Fabric 323 weight 52.4477781507398


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=537
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004