Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 554
Area m² 2865.875
Total No. of Sherds 66.2973786365421
Total Weight (in gms) 523.400357656911
Fabric 108 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 108 weight 324.508221747285
Fabric 203 sherds 10.4680071531382
Fabric 203 weight 17.4466785885637
Fabric 205 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 205 weight 3.48933571771274
Fabric 215 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 215 weight 3.48933571771274
Fabric 301 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 301 weight 3.48933571771274
Fabric 302 sherds 10.4680071531382
Fabric 302 weight 31.4040214594147
Fabric 307 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 307 weight 38.3826928948401
Fabric 308 sherds 10.4680071531382
Fabric 308 weight 13.957342870851
Fabric 310 sherds 10.4680071531382
Fabric 310 weight 55.8293714834038
Fabric 320 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 320 weight 10.4680071531382
Fabric 403 sherds 3.48933571771274
Fabric 403 weight 20.9360143062764


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=554
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004