Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 568
Area m² 2158.609
Total No. of Sherds 125.080549557609
Total Weight (in gms) 514.220037070169
Fabric 202 sherds 4.6326129465781
Fabric 202 weight 18.5304517863124
Fabric 203 sherds 4.6326129465781
Fabric 203 weight 9.2652258931562
Fabric 205 sherds 23.1630647328905
Fabric 205 weight 83.3870330384058
Fabric 215 sherds 4.6326129465781
Fabric 215 weight 4.6326129465781
Fabric 301 sherds 9.2652258931562
Fabric 301 weight 4.6326129465781
Fabric 302 sherds 9.2652258931562
Fabric 302 weight 32.4282906260467
Fabric 307 sherds 4.6326129465781
Fabric 307 weight 46.326129465781
Fabric 308 sherds 60.2239683055153
Fabric 308 weight 268.69155090153
Fabric 323 sherds 4.6326129465781
Fabric 323 weight 46.326129465781


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=568
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004