5.0 Conclusion

Whether it involves creating surrogates for delicate documents and fragile artefacts, drawing together dispersed data or making records of remote landscapes, digitisation is all about access. In terms of education, however, access is really just the start. On the one hand, it is the way that resources are used that counts, and as this article has aimed to show, there are all sorts of ways in which digital resources can contribute to effective learning and teaching in terms of learner activity, vividness of context and opportunity for dialogue.

At the same time, ensuring that the resources are used at all is obviously important too. SCRAN's experience suggests that the uptake of resources needs to be supported by awareness raising, training, exemplars and tools, as well as by academic working conditions that provide the time and opportunity required to make the most of such materials. Such initiatives and changes will be essential in order to ensure that digital collections - now created and easily available - will also be widely, thoughtfully and creatively used.


Last updated: Wed Aug 28 2002

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