2.1 The Institute of Field Archaeologists

The Institute of Field Archaeologists (IFA) is the professional organisation for archaeologists in the United Kingdom. The name now appears slightly anachronistic; while many of those that founded the organisation in 1982 were strongly rooted in archaeological field practice, the membership of the organisation is now drawn from all areas of the archaeological profession (most professional sectors are represented in the membership: archaeologists engaged in monument management and fieldwork predominate, but the Institute is presently underrepresented in higher education, museums, graphics and archaeological sciences). An effort was made to change the organisation's name to the more inclusive 'Institute of Archaeologists' in 1998, but this was defeated in a membership vote.

The IFA is a membership organisation, with approximately 1800 members in 2002. It promotes professional standards and ethics for conserving, managing, understanding and promoting enjoyment of the heritage, embodied in the IFA Code of conduct which is binding on all members. Membership is open to practising archaeologists in all fields, whether professional or amateur. Members are admitted after rigorous peer review of their experience and qualifications.

The prime objectives of the IFA are:

This article relates primarily to the IFA's work on the fourth of these, promoting training for archaeologists, which is discussed at length under the IFA Agenda, but they are all inter-linking and related objectives. To achieve these ends, the IFA has a small full-time staff, the members of whom work with a number of standing committees and working parties which report to the Institute's elected Council.


Last updated: Tue Sep 10 2002

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