Table 2: Stone Tool Use and Material Culture in Papua New Guinea: Items of Material Culture

select id, cat,item,type,rawmat,stonetool,modern,made,used from hardy_14_tab2 where lower(bamboo) = y


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Records returned: 1 - 25 of 121 for 'Bamboo = y'

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Where item is made with modern equivalent, this indicates that either a razor blade or steel knife was used.

More Category Item Type Raw Materials Made with stone tool? Made with modern equivalent Made by Used by
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Cassowary pompon Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails   y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Feather circlet Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Sprung feathers Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Sprung feather pompon Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y   Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Kumul bird of paradise headdress Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Enamelled bird of paradise headdress Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Plumed pins Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Possum tail pins Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Feather fringe Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y   Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Feather adornments Feather forehead plaque Birds (feathers), bamboo, wax, bark fibre, palm lily leaves, fern stems, string, rattan, possum tails y y Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Shell forehead plaque Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills     Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Leaves in hair Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills     Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Nassa shell forehead band Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills   y Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Bead forehead band Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills   y Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Cane headband Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills y y Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Fur headband Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills y   Men Men Women occasionally
More Finery and self decoration Miscellaneous head adornments Comb Shells, possum fur, string, bamboo, cuscus tail, cowrie shells, cassowary wing quills   y Men Men and Women
More Finery and self decoration Ear decorations Knitted ear-ring Rattan, cassowary wing quills, bamboo, string, shell     Men and Women Men and Women
More Finery and self decoration Ear decorations Braided ear-ring Rattan, cassowary wing quills, bamboo, string, shell y y Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Ear decorations Shell ear-ring Rattan, cassowary wing quills, bamboo, string, shell     Men Men
More Finery and self decoration Ear decorations Ear hair-pin Rattan, cassowary wing quills, bamboo, string, shell y y Men Women occasionally Men and Women
More Finery and self decoration Necklaces and pendants Job's tears necklace Job's tears, nettle vines, tree and fig saplings, cowrie shells, nassa shells, shell discs, arc shells, string, rattan, cassowary quills, tulip bark fibre, bamboo, leaves, screw pine, feathers, bark, resin, hornbill beak, pig's tusk, wax, pig grease     Women Women
More Finery and self decoration Necklaces and pendants Cowrie shell necklace front mounted Job's tears, nettle vines, tree and fig saplings, cowrie shells, nassa shells, shell discs, arc shells, string, rattan, cassowary quills, tulip bark fibre, bamboo, leaves, screw pine, feathers, bark, resin, hornbill beak, pig's tusk, wax, pig grease   y Men and Women Men and Women
More Finery and self decoration Necklaces and pendants Cowrie shell necklace side mounted Job's tears, nettle vines, tree and fig saplings, cowrie shells, nassa shells, shell discs, arc shells, string, rattan, cassowary quills, tulip bark fibre, bamboo, leaves, screw pine, feathers, bark, resin, hornbill beak, pig's tusk, wax, pig grease y   Men and Women Men
More Finery and self decoration Necklaces and pendants Nassa shell necklace front mounted Job's tears, nettle vines, tree and fig saplings, cowrie shells, nassa shells, shell discs, arc shells, string, rattan, cassowary quills, tulip bark fibre, bamboo, leaves, screw pine, feathers, bark, resin, hornbill beak, pig's tusk, wax, pig grease     Men mainly Women sometimes Men mainly Women sometimes


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Last updated: Thur Oct 9 2003